Skeptic » eSkeptic » October 12, 2011
In this week''s eSkeptic, Skeptic cofounder Pat Linse is contacted by an expert who has the expertise to solve the mystery of Bob White''s UFO artifact—an object ...
In this week''s eSkeptic, Skeptic cofounder Pat Linse is contacted by an expert who has the expertise to solve the mystery of Bob White''s UFO artifact—an object ...
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The now have six Gold Cups, which is one fewer than Mexico. This wasn''t their most inspiring performance, but it''s certainly a memorable one.
June 2016. The El Oro Group''s loss before tax for the yearended 30 June 2016 was £615,636 (loss before tax for the yearended 30 June 2015 was £11,338,951).
The Gold Cup is a shitty tournament. It''s the championship of CONCACAF, a garbage confederation with two consistently pretty good teams mixed in with a bunch of ...
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The use of water in mining has the potential to affect the quality of surrounding surface water and groundwater. In response to environmental concerns and government ...
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505: ENKA: Namakhvani Hpp Cascade Project: Infrastructure: Asia: Georgia: : : ENKA and Norway''s Clean Energy Group have been awarded the rights ...
On Wednesday, top Republican leadership including President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan all appeared at the White .
Housing in the Santa Clara region of California is insanely expensive. Tech companies have taken to building modern day versions of mill towns just so their employees ...
A lawsuit against two former Air Force psychologists who developed the CIA''s postSeptember 11, 2001 "enhanced interrogation" torture techniques, James Mitchell ...
Chile, the world''s largest copper producing country, hosts six of the 10 largest copper mines in the world, while the remaining four are located in Peru, Mexico and ...
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Corundum is used as a gemstone, abrasive, refractory and much more. Red corundum is a ruby, blue is a sapphire, any other color is a fancy sapphire. Synthetic ...