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Baroid Bentonite Products: Seals, Grouts, Gel: PART # PCAT: DESCRIPTION: SIZE: LIST PRICE: BA201087: 9018: Quick Gel Highyield gellant/viscosifier: 50 lbs:
Baroid Bentonite Products: Seals, Grouts, Gel: PART # PCAT: DESCRIPTION: SIZE: LIST PRICE: BA201087: 9018: Quick Gel Highyield gellant/viscosifier: 50 lbs:
Sheet2 Sheet1 References Products Chemicals KEY Chemical Reference 2BE (Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether) American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ...
Additional Information Note: For optimum yield, pretreat makeup water with 12 pounds of soda ash per 100 gallons of water ( kg/m3).
Additional Information Note: For optimum yield, pretreat makeup water with 12 pounds of soda ash per 100 gallons of water ( kg/m3).