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Het verhaal gaat over een klein fictief plaatsje in de Verenigde Staten, genaamd Chester''s Mill, waar een mysterieuze koepel (dome) de stad omringt.
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Directed by Simon Verhoeven. With Alycia DebnamCarey, William Moseley, Connor Paolo, Brit Morgan. When a college student unfriends a mysterious online, she ...
When it was announced late last month for iOS and Android, Assassin''s Creed: Rebellion looked a bit like Ubisoft''s answer to Fallout Shelter. It''s actually a ...
Baseado no livro de mesmo nome, Under the Dome conta a história dos moradores da pequena cidade americana de Chester''s Mill, no Maine, onde uma enorme e transparente ...
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Marking the 75th anniversary of his birth, Shotaro Ishinomori''s classic spy heroine manga "0091" has been adapted into a liveaction motion picture for the first ...
Taylor Coleridge (/ ˈ k oʊ l ə ˌ r ɪ dʒ /; 21 October 1772 – 25 July 1834) was an English poet, literary critic, philosopher and theologian who, .
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If anything, the PlayStation VR headset makes an excellent TV prop. In episode seven of the current season of Syfy''s comic bookbased space drama, Dark Matter, Six ...
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Mr. and Mrs. Iyer is a 2002 Indian drama film written and directed by Aparna Sen and produced by N. Venkatesan. The film features Aparna Sen''s daughter Konkona Sen ...
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